Thursday, November 10, 2011

CES PE 11-14/11-15

Lesson Topic: Striking

Lesson Time: 40 minutes

Number of Students: Thirty

Grade Level: Kindergarten, First, Second

Equipment: Hockey Sticks, foam pucks

Course of Study Objectives:

Specific Objectives:

Cognitive- By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to verbally list the different techniques of striking an object.

Affective- By the end of this lesson, the students will feel comfortable enough in his or her abilities to complete a strike against an object.

Psychomotor- By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to perform the proper techniques of striking an object.

Introductory: Students will be placed into their lines in order with their class.

Fitness Development: Students will complete the list of stretches and exercises below-

1.) 10 toe touches

2.) ABC’s

3.) 10 Snap Backs

4.) 10 arm circles forward

5.) 10 arm circles backward

6.) 10 Overheads

7.) 10 Jumping Jacks

Lesson Focus: Students will remain in their lines and will listen to examples or explanation of what the lesson will be on. Students will be shown how to strike a non moving object correctly and safely. (dominant hand in front non dominant at the end of the hockey stick)

Activity 1: Students will placed on the first line with their hockey puck on the line as well. They will practice striking the puck into the net (which is up against the wall).

Activity 2: Students will placed on the 2nd line with their hockey puck on the line as well. They will practice striking the puck into the net (which is up against the wall).

Activity 3: Students will placed on the 3rd line with their hockey puck on the line as well. They will practice striking the puck into the net (which is up against the wall).

Activity 4: Students will choose which line they would like to strike the hockey puck. They will practice striking the puck into the net (which is up against the wall).

Closure: Students will be reminded about what was worked on during Physical Education class that day. This is the time to really reinforce what was covered and how it can/will affect them in their lives.

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